Pardon my analogy. im in a video game kind of mood, but this could be some epic final boss music.
rrreeeaaallly good. if youre not already, go get yourself a job in the industry.
Pardon my analogy. im in a video game kind of mood, but this could be some epic final boss music.
rrreeeaaallly good. if youre not already, go get yourself a job in the industry.
Maybe I will!
this is so cool! the name fits exactly and its addicting to listen to. great job. :)
Thanks!!! In fact I HATE names! Each times I struggle to find one. All my songs are just numbers, they get their names just before posting after a 5-20 minutes brainstorm.
i would love listening to this on animal crossing when it snows. :)
awesome work. ;D
:) Me too.
this is really good. relaxed mood throughout the song. that thing in the begining w mario hitting into something made me laugh.
it also loops really well. i went to a different page and couldnt tell when it ended. after a while i was like, "is this a loop?"
yes it was. :p
:P back at you. Thanks for the review! Glad you liked the song
i love it!
i thought you could have made the piano part a bit longer but amazing none the less. ;)
Thanks, I probably should have lol.
moar bass!!!!!
this sounds cool but theres not nearly enough bass!!! good job on the melody n drums tho :3
Hahaha, I just might go back and pump up the bass moar!
wow :D
this song makes me wanna wake up for the brand new day. keep it up. :)
Thank you very much! :)
this is kinda cool. its like something i would here in the background of littlebigplanet. so chill. nice job. :)
Hey I remember that game, thank you very much!
Glad you like it :)
great concept wth minor problems
you obviously have a nack for this i'll have to say though it could be a lot better. the varienceon dynamics in the individual instuments used could be more dramatic. th over all volume is fine i could always turn up my own volume. and some of the drum beats are a little off. i did like how origional this was though. and i loved the salsa feel at about 1:25. this whole thing was a great concept and idea. it makes me want to do something like this.
Yep, that's why i put my songs up here ;) thanks for all of the criticisms! I'll see what i can do about the dynamics. I tried to make the bass a big part of the song (hence the name) but i think i'll have to leave it as a comlex bass line and focus more on the lead parts. drums, yep. haha, i love putting a little bit of bongo in my electronic songs, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks! I'll be sure to review a few of yoru songs ;)
very cool
this is some cool music. two things though. in some parts it seems that could use a lot more going on and the sound quality towards the end was a little wierd. but other that that it was great. i love the tone to the music 3 minutes in. it sounds like one of those arcade racers. :)
haha. thx =)
Age 32
Joined on 8/29/09